A Postcard from Choreographer Jennifer Muller

Monte/Buglisi/Muller LIVE! will return to New York Live Arts
Monte/Buglisi/Muller LIVE! will return to New York Live Arts, June 16-20, with new work and repertory. For ticket information, go to New York Live Arts website.
After the success of our collaboration in June 2014, Monte/Buglisi/Muller LIVE! will return to New York Live Arts June 16-20 to present three female choreographic voices together on one stage. Last year Monte/Buglisi/Muller LIVE! at New York Live Arts (Dance Access) shared four evenings - this year we will share five! How often does an audience have the opportunity to see work from three acclaimed contemporary dance choreographers, whose careers span between two to four decades, together on one stage? Not often, and we’re excited to again offer the opportunity!
Our upcoming co-production will have a completely different focus than last year’s performances - the four works being presented in June will connect thematically, inspiring us to name the run, Reflections on Water. Two of the works are premieres.
Alchemy, (premiere), is based on the crucible of change - originally a forerunner of chemistry, alchemy concerned itself with transformation; Jacqulyn Buglisi’s Sacred Landscapes 5 (premiere) reflects on our connection with the sacred landscapes that have grounded and inspired us. Two repertory works will also be shown each evening – Sand, the first work of Jacqulyn Buglisi’s environmental trilogy, and Hurricane Deck, Elisa Monte’s piece on conflict and turmoil, emotional upheaval and love gone wrong.

Our June production is coming up fast, and we’ve had an extraordinary response from the dance community. Last year, the New York Times said Elisa Monte, Jacqulyn Buglisi and Jennifer Muller “have been prolific contributors to American modern dance” who “share a tendency toward physical dynamism coated in compassion.” Yes! We each try to create work from a unique point of view, yet share a sensibility that combines virtuosic movement with an expressive edge that hopes to move minds and hearts. We speak of individual experiences, yet of our shared humanity.

Elisa Monte Dance's JoVonna Parks. Photo: Matthew Murphy
We would like to thank our dancers - they push physical capability and stand out as individuals while working in cohesive ensembles. They rise to the occasion and embody our vision. We appreciate their hard work and look forward to this exciting redux. Please join us!