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SOCIAL DISTANCE DANCE VIDEO: "Dance With Me" a fun paw de deux by Albena Kervanbashsieva and Etoile

SOCIAL DISTANCE DANCE VIDEO: "Dance With Me" a fun paw de deux by Albena Kervanbashsieva and Etoile
Christine Jowers/Follow @cmmjowers on Instagram

By Christine Jowers/Follow @cmmjowers on Instagram
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Published on January 5, 2021


Christine Jowers, for The Dance Enthusiast: Hello, Albena! Happy New Year. Thank you so much for participating in The Dance Enthusiast's Social Distance Dance Video Series.  Tell me, how are you and Etoile, your purrfect partner, doing today?

 Albena Kervanbasieva: Etoile and I are well, although he (Etoile is a boy) is doing better than me, since he can spend more time with "his people" during quarantine.

How did you and Etoile meet?

 I am not Etoile's owner. He was my guest for a month while his owner was out of town. That's how we got together.

During lockdown and this period of limited contact -besides your cat duets- how did you keep you sanity and health?

I am in the process of creating my own solo work. I was very lucky to connect with one of my ballet mentors and take class with him and other dancers from all over the world online. This is what I am currently doing. During the summer I collaborated with Dance Visions NY on a multidisciplinary project (poetry, music, film and dance) which we presented in November- three versions of the piece on three different digital platforms.
In addition to my solo work ,I am collaborating with two other independent choreographers who are developing new work.

Cats don't always do what we humans would like,  how did your guest kitty feel about creating duets with you?

 Etoile couldn't wait for me to put on the music and start moving so he could join me! 

So, can you fill in the blank?  "Etoile finds my dancing _______________."

Etoile finds my dancing quite accomplished for a human.

What are you looking forward to doing most when this global pandemic is a thing of the past?

 I want to get back in the studio and be with the other fellow dancers, take class, rehearse, and perform  live together.

Today, what are you most grateful for?

For truth, for deep connections with people, animals, and nature, and for creating art.

Another fill in the blank, "I love cats because _________________."

I love cats because they are incredibly beautiful, witty, and possess mystical knowledge.

And again,  I can't resist. "Happiness is _______________. "

Happiness is readily available as long as you keep all your senses open. That's one of the things Etoile taught me during his stay in my apartment.

What is your wish  for dance enthusiasts this New Year.

Keep the art alive no matter what!

Albena Kervanbashieva Bio:
Albena Kervanbashieva is a native of Bulgaria, where she received her early ballet training in Pavel Stoitzev Youth Ballet, also touring the country with various dance theater troupes. After moving to NYC, she completed the trainee program at the Martha Graham School of Contemporary Dance and danced with Doris Humphrey Dance Company, The "Ballade" Ballet Company, Contemporary Ballet Theater, Rahway Dance Theater, Lynn Barr Dance Theater, One Way Theater, Les Ballet du Monde, and for numerous independent choreographers.  Albena is currently dancing with Dance Visions NY and From Scratch Performance Company, where she is also choreographing her own works.



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