AUDIENCE REVIEW: A Contact Improvisation Performance: Reaching for the Unknown

Improv Space CI
Performance Date:
February 11, 2023
Haiku Review:
Gravity moves snail,
Care weaves slow, slothful steps,
Exhale with the wind.
Grounded, open mind,
Cambio flows with each breath, why?
Nature's harmony.
About this Event:
A Contact Improvisation event that has an underlying intention of bringing people together, being a vehicle for this beautiful form to be discovered, and raising awareness to our changing environment and climate. After covering the cost of the space, this time we are giving 10% of what we make to Forest Planet Inc., an organization that supports large scale, low cost-per-tree reforestation efforts all over the world. This wonderful organization help plant trees in regions where they have the greatest positive impact on the soil, the environment, local habitat, and communities in peril.
Location: Bill Young's studio, 100 Grand st. New York, NY
Photo Credit:
Cecilia Fontanesi; photo by Adam Lempel