AUDIENCE REVIEW: Camille Brown, Jacob Kovner, Sydney Skybetter & Jessy Smith

Camille Brown, Jacob Kovner, Sydney Skybetter & Jessy Smith
Performance Date:
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Camille Brown, Jacob Kovner, Sydney Skybetter & Jessy Smith
Show / Event Name
Performance Date
Tuesday July 15th 2008
Venue / Location
Dance Theater Workshop
Your Occupation:
Last time you moved your body:
I always move my body, but not enough.
Have you ever seen this company/ before?
Tell us a bit about your history with this group/performer?
Sydney is a friend and former work associate. I have seen one other showcase with him in it. Jessy works for Moving Arts Projects and this online mag and has danced with me.
I had never seen Camille Brown and was curious and never heard of Jacob Peter Kovner.
Why did you go to the show? What did you expect to see?
I went to support Sydney and Jessy.
I was not sure what to expect. One never knows in a showcase.
I viewed it as an opportunity to see new ideas and artists.
What was your favorite moment(s)? What inspired you?
I was incredibly wowed by Sydney Skybetter's work. He presented 3 pieces one after another. His choreography was elegant and sweeping.I remember that every minute held interest for me. ...His choices of music and movement...brilliant.
I look foward to more. Bergen Wheeler...fab sexy sensitive.
Describe as plainly and as specifically as you can what you actually saw. We are going for description without judgement.
There is no need for complete sentences, phrases and word lists are fine. You can describe these elements or anything you can think of: the artists, the kinds of movement, the qualities of the movement, the use of the stage/space, the musicality/timing...
J. Smith - Laugh In - Sock it to me - Goldie Hawn - not supposed to be sophisticated choreography but full on Groovy
C. Brown - Craft, drama, narrative
Kovner - Haunting spooky oddly alluring looked like it was crafted in retrograde funky partnering
Skybetter - Wowee
Describe any or all of these elements: music, lighting, the venue. - How did they contribute (or not) to your enjoyment of this performance?
I thought this was a well put together show case.
My problem with many showcases is that usually each artist gets about 3 minutes to show something and that's it. One never gets the idea of their voice or their range in that amount of time . This event allowed each artist enough time to be seen.
Would you like to see this performance / company again? Would you recommend it to a friend?
Why or why not?
I would see everyone of these artists again. I would encourage my friends to do so as well.
If you could, what would you ask the choreographer / dancers?
When is your next show?