AUDIENCE REVIEW: Dance Visions NY in "Art & Music in Motion" (Review 2)
Dance Visions NY
Performance Date:
May 9, 2024
Have you ever seen this company/ before?
Tell us a bit about your history with this group/performer?
Yes i have seen this company about four times before.
What was your favorite moment(s)? What inspired you?
Describe any or all of these elements: music, lighting, the venue.
How did they contribute (or not) to your enjoyment of this performance?
There was a pianist and a jazz accompanist that worked well with the dancers. Also there was a choral group and a guitarist and they sang hallelujah.
Would you like to see this performance / company again?
Would you recommend it to a friend? Why or why not?
Yes, most definitely. They are a special group of dancers and connect to the music. Beautiful costumes!
Arlene Papier-Brickman