Performance Date:
February 22 & 23
Freeform Review:
NACHMO! This is one of my favorite shows in the city. I love the diversity, the enthusiasm, and the community. I’ve attended a few NACHMO and NACHMOx events and each time, it fills my heart with joy.
The theater show presented at Mark O’Donnell Theater – Actors Fund Arts Center were pieces selected from 401 choreographers nationwide. There were two programs and I attended the program presented on Saturday February 22. Eleven pieces were performed in this program with genres ranging from theater jazz to ballet pointe. Memorable ones included “Sink Into You” choreographed by Madeline Gulett danced by Justin Bowen and Ilya Kutyrev. This duet featured dancers with drastically different movement qualities, yet together completes each other with their stunning body control. “Salad Days” choreographed and performed by Brooke Stoker and Dan Van Note was comedic and made the audience laugh. Renee Jonas’ piece “Title it with your name” was a powerful one syncing emotions with lyrics and movements. “Soar. Glide. Flap.” choreographed by Joan Liu and performed by Raquel Beauchamp, Jessica Frazier, Akane Koizumi, Marisa Pisano, Emma K. Sniegoski was the only pointe piece of the evening. Liu pleasantly surprised me again with the haunting beauty and serenity of this piece.
I applaud NACHMO’s effort to bring such a diverse group of dancers and choreographers together while maintaining a high caliber. The reception afterwards was welcoming and informative. Bravo NACHMO!
Xuan Yi
Photo Credit:
Axons Dance Theatre