AUDIENCE REVIEW: SE:MUEVE workshop on "Impermanence"

Performance Date:
Oct 13th / Oct 27th / Nov 10th / Nov 17th / Dec 1st 2021
Freeform Review:
As co-founder of Rooted LLC, a wellness start-up on a mission to improve access to health by providing culturally responsive care for all. I have had the honor of being in community with SE: Mueve’s founder Ana Lopez for three years. Ana’s ability to integrate somatic movement, dance, and human connection is profound. So when Ana asked me to support the SE:MUEVE workshops on Impermanence, as a mental health facilitator I was excited to directly work with such a change agent.
Over the next 6-8 weeks,Fall/Winter ‘22, I worked with Ana as she designed a five workshop series built from her personal relationship to impermanence. Each workshop was structured to enhance community building and explore personal cycles of acceptance and release. The content of the workshop was just as live, colorful, and fluid as its participants. The workshops always began with an introduction to the theme of impermanence and setting intentions. Next, I would support facilitating group discussion geared toward helping participants explore their mental health relationship to impermanence. Participants were able to share their narratives through multisensorial modalities such as writing, drawing, talking, and dancing.
After each group discussion Ana would lead us into what she coined “movement meditation”. Really asking us to consider movement as a form of meditation. Ana’s guided movement portion of the workshops allowed participants to feel the duality of releasing and being held at the same time. One of the most life changing experiences from the workshops was Ana’s ability to employ Diasporic community members to perform live during our movement sessions. Additionally, at the end of every workshop Ana ensured the preparation and deliverance of a homemade nutritious meal. Participants would gather around and learn more about one another as they shared dinner together. It was a spectacular experience!
Ana’s artistry expands beyond the concept of dance and movement. Ana’s art is inclusive of community building, social justice, and healing. Ana’s commitment to human centered approaches in her artistry and personal life is evident. Ana is a leader, knowledgeable, caring, compassionate, joyful, and inspiring.
As a public health practitioner I am committed to providing holistic care that centers the unique lives of our communities. Each of SE:MUEVE workshops reminded me of my commitment and the importance of leaning into discomfort inorder to arrive at a more aware place in one's mind, body, and spirit.
Kaniya Samm, MPH