AUDIENCE REVIEW: Christine Jowers on Paul Taylor Dance Co.

Paul Taylor Dance Co.
Performance Date:
Saturday March 8 at 8pm
Paul Taylor Dance Co.
Performance Date
Saturday March 8 at 8pm
Venue / Location
City Center NYC
Last time you moved your body:
Did plies in the kitchen
Have you ever seen this company/ before? Tell us a bit about your history with this group/performer?
Yes... Very many years ago and in learned bits of repertory from Carolyn Adams went I was a freshman at Sarah Lawrence.
I have always loved Paul Taylor's work... Why did I stay away from the concerts for so long? I could kick myself.
Why did you go to the show? What did you expect to see?
I wanted to treat myself to the performances of a company I hadn't seen in awhile.
What was your favorite moment(s)? What inspired you?
Verve in the dancing, humour, physicality, drama... When I look at ballet, I never feel that I would like to get up and dance... With this group I want to jump across the floor. Every piece was so distinct. Beautiful human beings sharing their beauty with us... Their hearts, muscles, their best.
Describe as plainly and as specifically as you can what you actually saw. We are going for description without judgement.
(There is no need for complete sentences, phrases and word lists are fine. You can describe these elements or anything you can think of: the artists, the kinds of movement, the qualities of the movement, the use of the stage/space, the musicality/timing).
Fly run leap spin, different worlds, Mexico, flowers, folk dance, full white skirts, pink skeletons, death a grinning business man, a parade of floating colors, a brawny beard in a mini skirt doing a hat dance, dreamy, the bright colors from a mexican piece of paper mache, a golden virgin, deer.
Do any images, colors or feelings pop into your head when you think about this show?
I make up stories in my head as I watch the dancers...
I feel that I float along with them through the music
I was in Mexico in De Suenos ... or in a mexican painting come to life
in Byzantium I I was watching a world born or falling apart- an epic -
Piazzolla, heart in mouth, spinning, hot.
Describe any or all of these elements: music, lighting, the venue. - How did they contribute (or not) to your enjoyment of this performance?
Audiences must watch too much tv... They talk during the show and think that no one else can hear them.. Yikes...
It is a pleasure to see such beautifully realized sets and costumes complimenting and enhancing the choreography and One great detail among many-swaying lights.
Would you like to see this performance / company again? Would you recommend it to a friend?
Why or why not?
I am bringing my kids to the matinee next Saturday...
What would you like to have seen more of? Less of?
If you could, what would you ask the choreographer / dancers?
Can I play with you sometime?
and Thank You.