AUDIENCE REVIEW: Jody Oberfelder

Jody Oberfelder
Performance Date:
19 March 2008
Jody Oberfelder
Show / Event Name
Dido & Aeneas
Performance Date
19 March 2008
Venue / Location
LaGuardia High School
Your Occupation:
Last time you moved your body:
This evening in rehearsal
Have you ever seen this company/ before?
Tell us a bit about your history with this group/performer?
I stage managed and designed lighting for this company twice many years ago in showcase contexts. I know and work with several of the musicians in the orchestra, and had worked with one of the singers, and have met another one of the singers through a colleague.
Why did you go to the show? What did you expect to see?
I won a ticket on this Web site. I love the score most deeply. I was curious.
What was your favorite moment(s)? What inspired you?
The most visually astonishing--and slightly terrifying--moment was a stilt dancer on very high stilts executing an partnered walkover.
I thought the use of digital projections among the most successfully conceived and executed I have seen. Inpires me to remotely consider using projections someday.
Describe any or all of these elements: music, lighting, the venue. - How did they contribute (or not) to your enjoyment of this performance?
The venue looked the handsomest I have seen it: good mise en scène. The lighting was very sensitive. The music was superbly played by the conductorless orchestra. Much of the singing was very good. The young choir was game and sang well.
If you could, what would you ask the choreographer / dancers?
What do you know now about Henry Purcell that you didn't know before?