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Odissi Indian Classical Dance with Bani Ray

Odissi Indian Classical Dance with Bani Ray


Trinayan Collective


500 8th Avenue (Pearl Studios)
New York, New York 10018


Tuesday, January 7, 2020 - 6:00pm weekly through April 28, 2020

Trinayan Collective

Come learn the Indian Classical art of Odissi dance on Tuesday evenings with Bani Ray in midtown NYC. Please email baniray311@gmail.com for registration and further information. Classes are $35/class or $25/class if paid in advance for the semester.

Odissi is one of India's eight ancient Indian Classical Dance forms, from the north-east state of Orissa. It is characterized by rhythmic footwork, lyrical, sculpturesque poses and a focus on the bends of the body.

Bani Ray started learning Odissi at the age of 6 from the Late Guru Hare Krishna Behraji. She was sponsored by the Govt. of India to perform in Trinidad and Tobaggo and by the Dept. of Tourism in NY to perform in Guyana. She is also a panel artist of ICCR (Govt. of India), an NJ Arts Council member, and has been a roster artist of the NJ Dept. of Education and guest artist at Raritan Valley Community College and Rutgers University. She is the Artistic Director of the Trinayan Collective, a not-for-profit organization fully committed to serving and contributing to the New York and New Jersey artistic community. Currently, she is doing further in depth research in Odissi under Guru Durga Charan Ranbir.

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