Nathalie Matychak and her new company Bangdance engage in some frolicky flipping with The Dance Enthusiast

Nathalie Matychak and her new company Bangdance engage in some frolicky flipping with The Dance Enthusiast
Brittany Beyer

By Brittany Beyer
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Published on May 27, 2011
Whitney Browne

A One Year Out of College Flip with The Dance Enthusiast...
brought to you by Nathalie Matychak and her Bangdance company .....

Young dancers
First year out of college
Is sanity and balance possible?
How do you do what you love and eat?
Nathalie and her dancers invite us into their lives...questions, rehearsals, questions, performances, questions, showings,  and some good feedback too.

Watch and learn...This is what it is like to be brand "fresh" spanking new in the NYC  dance scene.
Welcome  and thanks for flipping with us here at The Dance Enthusiast.

( thank you Dance Enthusiast, Brittany Beyer for editing this piece and thank you to Whitney Browne the photographer for Bangdance, who took the picture that heads this article)





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