AUDIENCE REVIEW: "What works II" by Curet Performance Project

Curet Performance Project
Performance Date:
31 March 1 April
Freeform Review:
I was galvanized and inspired by the Curet Performance Project season. The works are timely and urgnent, choreographic language profound- which will make them last beyond the conext of their creation. Presenting to the audience complex issues such as immigration, alientation, solidarity and compassion in manifold scenes and contexts, the works allow the audience to rethink the boundaries of their positions on these issues as well as rethink the possibilities of dance to create social change. Curet's choreographic language is rich an diverse, and her use of space thought provoking. The dancers were all highly impressive; I was especially mesmerised by Ashley D'amboise, whose commitment to movement was at times breathtaking. I am excited to see what the future holds for this company, which keeps Martha Graham's old dictum "the body says what words cannot" very much alive. Bravo, brava!
Curet Performance Project's Season 5 at CPR. Photo © @sharastranov.